Free Consultation

Tel: 2895 0099 7/F, Cameron Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui Booking

Free Consultation

Welcome to the Weight and Well-being Treatment Centre online consultation

In order to know your health condition better, please spend 3 minutes to fill the form below. Please fill the form with valid contact information so that we can contact you.

Height (cm):
Body Weight (kg):
What problems are you having now related to obesity?
What weight loss means have you employed before?
How much weight have you lost through your last weight reduction attempt?
Is there any weight regain?
What is your target body weight?
What is your email?
What is your contact number?

Contact Us

Weight and Wellbeing Center

Whatsapp : +852 6465 8235
Tel : +852 2895 0099       Fax:2895 0135
Email :
Address : 7/F, Cameron Centre, 57-59 Chatham Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

Make an appointment
Monday to Saturday 10am - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm